Lots of things to say today: the biggest is that I'm no longer working alone. My roommate has joined me. He's a pretty awesome programmer and really good at math.
Quicksand Fix:
We decided to fix my engine instead of using someone else's. I fixed the quicksand (for real this time) by adding the non impact force to the impact force (if impact is true). Here is the new snippet:
protected Vector calcContactForce(float theta) {
if(impact) {
if_contact = new Vector(theta, (float) (mass * velocity.magProj(new Vector((float) (theta + Math.PI), 1)) / dt)).add(new Vector(theta, sumForce.magProj(new Vector((float) (theta + Math.PI), 1))));
// impact plus notImpact
else {
f_contact = new Vector(theta, sumForce.magProj(new Vector((float) (theta + Math.PI), 1)));
return f_contact;
I was so happy when I finally got this.
Zooming and Cropping:
The view now moves with the player and scales with velocity according to a
Gompertz Curve.
Redoing Collision:
My roommate is redoing the collision system to make it more general (so that it can support more shapes and maybe even rotated shapes down the line). It's not done yet though.
Size Update:
justin@agartha:src$ wc -l *.java
21 AirBlock.java
31 Block.java
7 CanDraw.java
5 CanMove.java
32 GroundBlock.java
57 KromFrame.java
42 KromGenericLine.java
61 KromLine.java
175 KromPanel.java
39 KromPoint.java
114 KromRectangle.java
9 KromShape.java
64 KromXLine.java
59 KromYLine.java
105 Map.java
160 Physics.java
37 Player.java
87 SlantBlock.java
69 Vector.java
1174 total
justin@agartha:src$ wc -c ../bin/*.class
775 ../bin/AirBlock.class
1200 ../bin/Block.class
173 ../bin/CanDraw.class
251 ../bin/CanMove.class
1122 ../bin/GroundBlock.class
2474 ../bin/KromFrame.class
1632 ../bin/KromGenericLine.class
1541 ../bin/KromLine.class
6910 ../bin/KromPanel.class
1474 ../bin/KromPoint.class
4054 ../bin/KromRectangle.class
423 ../bin/KromShape.class
1302 ../bin/KromXLine.class
1302 ../bin/KromYLine.class
4327 ../bin/Map.class
5169 ../bin/Physics.class
1551 ../bin/Player.class
1944 ../bin/SlantBlock.class
2315 ../bin/Vector.class
39939 total
Huge size increases. We passed 1000 lines. Woohoo! Almost 40KB too.
Git is Magical:
We are using git for version control. The subheading sums it up.
I think that's it. I'll be showing a video of all the recent changes whenever the new collision system is working.